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 XU Guohou,HUANG Haixia,QU Mingyue,et al.Detection rate and susceptibility factors of fatty liver in male non-manual workers in Shanghai[J].International Journal of Digestive Disease,2024,03:154-159.





Detection rate and susceptibility factors of fatty liver in male non-manual workers in Shanghai
214065 江苏无锡,华东疗养院放射科(徐国厚、黄海峡、瞿明月),护理部(钱晓兰),老年病科(钱波),科教科(田建广)
XU Guohou HUANG Haixia QU MingyueQIAN XiaolanTIAN Jianguang
XU Guohou, HUANG Haixia, QU Mingyue. Department of Radiology, Huadong Sanatorium, Wuxi 214065, China; QIAN Xiaolan. Department of Nursing, Huadong Sanatorium, Wuxi 214065, China;QIAN Bo. Department of Geriatrics, Huadong Sanatorium, Wuxi 214065, China; TIAN Jianguang. Department of Science and Education, Huadong Sanatorium, Wuxi 214065, China
Fatty liver Non-manual workers Prevalence Obesity Susceptible factors
Objective? This paper aims to analyze the prevalence and susceptibility factors of fatty liver among male non-manual workers in Shanghai, and provide reference for the prevention and treatment of fatty liver in this population. Methods? A total of 16 959 male non-manual workers who underwent physical examinations at the Health Management Center of Huadong Sanatorium from January 2023 to December 2023 were selected as the research subjects, and their basic data, laboratory indicators, and imaging examination results were collected. Single factor and multivariate analysis were conducted to explore the susceptibility factors of fatty liver. The ROC curve was used to analyze the predictive value of various indicators for fatty liver disease. Results? The detection rate of fatty liver in male non-manual workers in Shanghai is 55.97%, and it shows an increasing trend with age, with a slight decrease in those over 60 years old. Physical exercise is a protective factor for fatty liver. Age, obesity, smoking, drinking, unbalanced diet,


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-06-25